Friday, September 23, 2005

Ehh gahmen, can jail the bus companies' people for being fare cheats or not?

Nowadays huh, gahmen damn fierce leh. Racist bloggers wanna catch, White Elephant people wanna catch, now even fare cheats also wanna catch and send them to jail...

If like that hor I wanna ask the gahmen leh. Can the gahmen also catch the bus companies' people and send them to jail for repeatedly overcharging my bus fare or not? They are also fare cheats what. So if wanna jail then must be fair rite. Cannot just jail the commuters who cheat the bus companies without jailing the bus companies' people who cheat the communters, correct or not?

Singapore gahmen so good and fair, I am sure they will jail all the bus companies fare cheats for cheating my money so many times until I don't know how to count!


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