Friday, August 25, 2006

Mai Hiam or Mai Hump?

How come ST report "mee siam mai hiam" instead of "mee siam mai hump"?

It is clear that PM Lee said "Mee siam mai hump".

Could this be an attempt to the cover up for PM Lee or yet another "honest mistake" by our "nation building press"?

Anyway this isn't the 1st time that "incidents" of this sort happened.

Check out the 2 different version of quote on PM Lee's fix opposition and buy votes statement below.

I REALLY hope that ST isn't spreading "half-truths and untruths" to mislead Singaporeans. :P


Still think PM Lee's slip is a harmless mistake? Check this out!


Aug 21, 2006

Govt will podcast too but politics to be kept serious
Pervasive electronic media will not only open up new opportunities but also change the texture of society and create new problems which need to be managed

By Lydia Lim


He said that the Government would also update its laws when necessary and cited two examples: changes made earlier this year to regulations on podcasts during elections, and a 1998 change to the Films Act banning the making of political videos.

Mr Lee also made clear that at stake is not just fun and entertainment but a serious decision which the Government has to make about how far it wants to go in adapting to the new media and what tone it wants to set.

He warned that if politicians were to start competing on the basis of whose podcast was funnier, the tone of public debate would be lowered and there would be a 'race to the bottom', as had happened in countries with unrestrained media like the Philippines and Taiwan.

'You talk about bak chor mee, I will say mee siam mai hiam [Emphasis added],' he said, citing examples of possible podcasts named after popular local dishes.

'Then we compete...I will hire Jack Neo to be my National Day Rally adviser. It'll be a fun time, we will enjoy thoroughly, go home totally entertained. But is this the way to deal with serious issues?' he asked.

Mr Lee also said that while he welcomed citizens speaking up on issues, they should temper passion with reason.

'It's good to be passionate, to care enough about what's happening in the country, to want to fight for what you believe in, not just say something, better still, do something.

'But passion and emotions must also be balanced by logic, thinking, calmness and wisdom. There's no point just working people up, running down institutions because in the end you make our problems harder, not easier to solve. It leads nowhere.'

Mr Lee said that debate was necessary to work out solutions but these must be 'for the larger good and the longer term'.

While riding the digital wave would bring its share of risks, Mr Lee was clear on this point: 'We have to keep on moving forward, open up.'

The Government does not have all the answers or know all the risks and is feeling its way forward step by step, he said.

With this opening up, there would also come differences of view.

'You don't want everybody to be singing the same note but...if we are playing music, we should be playing jazz and improvising, each playing different things but it blends together and it's a Singapore tone, a Singapore tune and Singapore moves forward.

'That's the way we should be in the digital age,' he said.

May 5, 2006
WP attacks PM over comments on opposition


He said: 'Instead of spending my time thinking of what is the right policy for Singapore, I have to spend all my time thinking what is the right way to fix them, what's the right way to buy my own supporters over [Emphasis added], how can I solve this week's problem and forget about next year's challenges.' ...

PM Lee says countries worldwide respect and admire Singapore's proven system
By Sharon Tong/S. Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 03 May 2006 1839 hrs


"Right now we have Low Thia Khiang, Chiam See Tong, Steve Chia. We can deal with them. Suppose you had 10, 15, 20 opposition members in Parliament. Instead of spending my time thinking what is the right policy for Singapore, I'm going to spend all my time thinking what's the right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes [Emphasis added], how can I solve this week's problem and forget about next year's challenges?" ...

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